Thursday, August 22, 2013

To Where......

So Jackson opened his call.  It was about 8:30 PM and we have Grandma Nielson on Mom's cell phone, Uncle Lonnie on Jacob's cell phone, Atkins on the tablet, the laptop has all of the Phair side, and the netbook has all of the Nielson side on Google Hangout.  Just as he opens it and reads Philippines Tacloban Mission 
the internet goes out and neither side of the family hears it.  It took us about 20 minutes to get everyone on in the first place and all they heard was Philippines!  Every technical glitch that could go wrong just about did!  The Robinsons were here and the Bowsers.  Katie was at work at KFC so we had to text her.

We finally got everyone on again and told them where.  I am to speak Cebuano and report to the MTC in Provo, Utah on October 9, 2013.

The Call

August 22nd Jackson recieves his call!  We expected it the 21st on a Wednesday as we had seen so many others in our area get them.  But it came on Thursday!